Pokemon Sun and Moon Cheats

Released in 2016, Pokémon Sun and Moon introduced a fresh approach to the Pokémon series with their unique regional tournaments and trial-based progression, replacing the traditional Gym battles. Set across the four islands of the Alola region, these games also featured the first-ever evolution of legendary Pokémon, Solgaleo and Lunala, adding an exciting twist to the franchise.

If you’re looking to breeze through the Alolan challenge and become the ultimate champion with a little extra help, you’ve come to the right place! This guide will provide you with a definitive list of cheats for Pokémon Sun and Moon, along with some important tips to ensure these codes work smoothly in your game.

Important Reminders:

  • Ensure your game version matches the cheat codes you are using. Some cheats may only work with specific versions of Pokémon Sun or Moon.
  • Always back up your save data before using cheats, as they can sometimes cause unintended glitches.
  • Use cheats responsibly to enhance your gaming experience without disrupting the balance of the game.

With these cheats in hand, you’ll be well-equipped to conquer the Alola region and become the Alolan champion!

Pokemon Sun and Moon Cheats (For 3DS Emulator)

Use this cheat to make your Pokémon learn any HM or TM moves instantly, giving them the ability to master all available moves.

Cheat Code:
D3000000 00000000
0048F0AC E3A00001

Activate this code to unlock the potential of any Pokémon in your team and teach them any move you want!

This cheat allows you to rename any Pokémon, including those received via trade, using the Name Rater.

Cheat Code:
D3000000 00000000
004A84F8 E3A00001

Activate this cheat to change the name of any Pokémon in your team, even if they are from outside your game!

With this cheat, all of your Pokémon’s attacks will always land as critical hits, making every battle a breeze!

Cheat Code:
D3000000 00000000
E0595AD0 00000030
E59D0000 E92D401E
E59A1008 E2813004
E281401C E4932004
E1500002 03A01001
058D1018 E1530004
58085D1C E59D0000
50595ACC 00000000
00595ACC 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
60595ACC 00000000
D9000000 00595ACC
D6000000 00595ACC
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
50595ACC 00000001
08085D1C EBF9B36B
D0000000 00000000

Activate this code and every hit your Pokémon lands will be a critical hit, ensuring maximum damage every time!

This cheat allows your Pokémon to relearn any move they have previously forgotten, enabling them to have access to their full move set.

Cheat Code:
D3000000 00000000
004A6B30 E2850001
0042DCD4 E3A01C02
0042DCD8 E28110CF
0042DCDC E5851004

Activate this code and use the Move Reminder to let your Pokémon learn all of their available moves again!



Pokemon-Related Cheats

This cheat will unlock all medicines in Pokémon Sun and Moon, including items like Max Potion and Rare Candy, giving you everything you need to keep your Pokémon in top condition.

Cheat Code:
DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330D647C
D5000000 000ED811
C0000000 00000026
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330D647C
E0000098 00000040
000ED841 000ED842
000ED843 000ED886
000ED9F8 000EDA35
000EDA36 000EDA37
000EDA38 000EDA39
000EDA3A 000EDA4F
000EDA85 000EDAC4
000EDAC5 000EDB54
D0000000 00000000

Press the Select and Up buttons at the same time to make this cheat work.

With this cheat, you'll have access to all medicines immediately, making it easier to heal and power up your Pokémon.

This cheat will grant you all the berries in Pokémon Sun and Moon, so you can use them whenever you need to enhance your Pokémon’s abilities or recover them during battles.

Cheat Code:
DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330D657C
D5000000 000ED895
C0000000 00000040
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330D657C
00000100 000EDAAE
00000104 000EDAAF
00000108 000EDAB0
D0000000 00000000

Press the Select and Up buttons at the same time to activate the cheat.

Now you will have every berry in the game, ready to use in any situation to help your Pokémon!

This cheat will provide you with all items in Pokémon Sun and Moon, including rare items like the Master Ball, making your journey through the Alola region even more exciting.

Cheat Code:
DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330D5934
E0000000 00000068
000ED801 000ED802
000ED803 000ED804
000ED805 000ED806
000ED807 000ED808
000ED809 000ED80A
000ED80B 000ED80C
000ED80D 000ED80E
000ED80F 000ED810
000ED837 000ED838
000ED839 000ED83A
000ED83B 000ED83C
000ED83D 000ED83E
000ED83F 000ED840
D5000000 000ED844
C0000000 0000002D
D6000000 00000068
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330D5934
0000011C 000ED874
E0000120 00000050
000ED875 000ED876
000ED877 000ED887
000ED888 000ED889
000ED88A 000ED88B
000ED88C 000ED88D
000ED88E 000ED88F
000ED890 000ED891
000ED892 000ED893
000ED894 000ED8D5
000ED8D6 000ED8D7
D5000000 000ED8D9
C0000000 0000006F
D6000000 00000170
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330D5934
E000032C 000001E8
000ED9E5 000ED9E6
000ED9E7 000ED9E8
000ED9E9 000ED9EA
000ED9EB 000ED9EC
000ED9ED 000ED9EE
000ED9EF 000ED9F0
000ED9F1 000ED9F2
000ED9F3 000ED9F4
000ED9F9 000ED9FA
000ED9FB 000ED9FC
000ED9FD 000ED9FE
000ED9FF 000EDA00
000EDA01 000EDA02
000EDA03 000EDA04
000EDA05 000EDA06
000EDA07 000EDA08
000EDA09 000EDA0A
000EDA0B 000EDA0C
000EDA0D 000EDA0E
000EDA0F 000EDA10
000EDA11 000EDA12
000EDA13 000EDA16
000EDA17 000EDA19
000EDA1A 000EDA1B
000EDA1C 000EDA1D
000EDA1E 000EDA1F
000EDA20 000EDA21
000EDA22 000EDA23
000EDA24 000EDA25
000EDA26 000EDA27
000EDA28 000EDA29
000EDA2A 000EDA2B
000EDA2C 000EDA2D
000EDA2E 000EDA2F
000EDA30 000EDA31
000EDA32 000EDA33
000EDA34 000EDA3B
000EDA3C 000EDA3D
000EDA3F 000EDA40
000EDA41 000EDA44
000EDA45 000EDA46
000EDA47 000EDA48
000EDA49 000EDA4A
000EDA4B 000EDA4C
000EDA4D 000EDA4E
000EDA50 000EDA51
000EDA52 000EDA53
000EDA54 000EDA55
000EDA56 000EDA57
000EDA58 000EDA59
000EDA5A 000EDA5B
000EDA5C 000EDA5D
000EDA5E 000EDA5F
000EDA60 000EDA61
000EDA62 000EDA63
000EDA64 000EDA65
000EDA66 000EDA67
000EDA7F 000EDA80
000EDA84 000EDA86
000EDA87 000EDA88
000EDA89 000EDA8A
D5000000 000EDA8C
C0000000 00000022
D6000000 00000514
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330D5934
0000059C 000EDABB
E00005A0 000000D8
000EDAC0 000EDAC6
000EDAF0 000EDAF1
000EDAF2 000EDAF3
000EDAF4 000EDAF5
000EDAF6 000EDAF7
000EDAF8 000EDAF9
000EDB00 000EDB01
000EDB02 000EDB1B
000EDB1C 000EDB4C
000EDB4E 000EDB51
000EDB53 000EDB55
000EDB56 000EDB57
000EDB58 000EDB6F
000EDB70 000EDB71
000EDB72 000EDB73
000EDB74 000EDB88
000EDB89 000EDB8A
000EDB8B 000EDB8C
000EDB8D 000EDB8E
000EDB8F 000EDB90
000EDB91 000EDB92
000EDB93 000EDB94
000EDB95 000EDB96
000EDB97 000EDB98
D0000000 00000000

Press the Select and Up buttons at the same time to activate the cheat.

With this cheat, you'll have access to all items in the game, including rare and powerful items, enhancing your Pokémon journey.



To achieve a 100% catch rate in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use the following cheat, which makes every Poké Ball as effective as a Master Ball. This cheat ensures that no Pokémon will escape, regardless of the situation. Here’s how to implement it:

Enable the cheat code in your emulator or game device.
Activate the following code to make your Pokéballs function like Master Balls:

D3000000 00000000
5803528C 0A000004
505957A0 00000000
005957A0 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
605957A0 00000000
D9000000 005957A0
D6000000 005957A0
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
505957A0 00000001
0803528C EA000004
D0000000 00000000


By using this cheat, you’ll enjoy an effortless time catching Pokémon, as all Poké Balls will guarantee success, similar to the Master Ball. Just make sure to follow the instructions for your specific emulator or game version.

To capture your opponent’s Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use the following cheat code, which allows you to steal their Pokémon after defeating them. This makes you a "Pokémon thief," as you'll be able to add your opponent’s Pokémon to your team.

Here’s how to use it:

Activate the cheat on your emulator or device.
Enter the following code to capture the opposing trainer’s Pokémon:

D3000000 00000000
58035C84 0A00000B
505957A4 00000000
005957A4 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
605957A4 00000000
D9000000 005957A4
D6000000 005957A4
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
505957A4 00000001
08035C78 E3A0B000
08035C7C E590000C
08035C80 E5C0B000
08035C84 EA00000B
D0000000 00000000

With this cheat active, after you defeat an opponent, you’ll have the ability to capture their Pokémon as though they were your own. Make sure to follow the instructions specific to your emulator or device to ensure proper functionality.

To instantly hatch eggs in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use the following cheat code, which eliminates the need to wait for the typical time and distance required to hatch an egg. This cheat will hatch your eggs as soon as you receive them.

Here’s how to activate it:

Enable the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Enter the following code to make eggs hatch instantly:

D3000000 00000000
5802B734 0A000007
0802B734 EA000007
D0000000 00000000

With this cheat, you won’t have to wait long for eggs to hatch, speeding up your gameplay. Be sure to follow the proper instructions for your specific emulator or device to ensure the cheat works correctly.



To prevent wild Pokémon encounters in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use this cheat code. This will stop wild Pokémon from appearing when you walk through tall grass or areas where they usually spawn.

Here’s how to apply it:

Activate the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Input the following code to stop wild Pokémon encounters:

D3000000 00000000
5807A28C E3A00064
0807A284 E3A09000
DD000000 00000008
0807A284 E3A09064
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000

By using this cheat, you can walk through tall grass and other encounter areas without being interrupted by wild Pokémon battles. Make sure to follow the correct steps for your emulator or game device to ensure this cheat functions properly.

To get all Z-Crystals and use any Z-Move in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use this cheat code. This will unlock all Z-Crystals, enabling you to perform any Z-Move with your Pokémon.

Here’s how to activate the cheat:

Activate the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Enter the following code to unlock all Z-Crystals:

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330D669C
D5000000 00000727
C0000000 0000001D
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000

To make the cheat work, press the Select and Up buttons at the same time while in the game.

By using this cheat, you'll have access to all Z-Crystals and can use any Z-Move, making your battles even more exciting. Ensure you're following the correct instructions based on your emulator or device.

To gain 10 times more experience points after each battle in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use the following cheat code. This cheat will boost the amount of experience your Pokémon receive after winning battles, making it much easier to level them up.

Here’s how to use it:

Enable the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Input the following code to gain 10x EXP after each battle:
D3000000 00000000
00595800 E1D002B2
00595804 E92D4002
00595808 E3A0100A
0059580C E0000190
00595810 E8BD8002
0048F1EC EB041983

With this cheat active, your Pokémon will receive 10 times the usual experience points, making leveling up much faster. Be sure to follow the correct steps for your emulator or game device to ensure the cheat works as expected.

To instantly earn 100 QR Scan Points in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use the following cheat. This will give you the full 100 Scan Points right away, allowing you to quickly scan QR codes and obtain rewards.

Here’s how to apply the cheat:

Enable the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Input the following code to get 100 QR Scan Points immediately:
D3000000 00000000
6067206C 00000000
B067206C 00000000
B0000024 00000000
B0000004 00000000
2006960B 00000064
D0000000 00000000

With this cheat, you'll have 100 QR Scan Points available instantly, allowing you to use them for scanning QR codes and gaining rewards in the game. Be sure to follow the instructions specific to your emulator or device to ensure proper functionality.

To make QR scans instant and eliminate the wait time in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use this cheat. This will allow you to scan QR codes immediately without having to wait for the usual processing time.

Here’s how to activate the cheat:

Activate the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Enter the following code to remove the QR scanning wait time:

D3000000 00000000
0043DAA8 E3A00000

With this cheat enabled, QR scans will be processed instantly, allowing you to scan codes without delay. Be sure to follow the instructions for your specific emulator or device to make sure it works correctly.

To view the IVs (Individual Values) and EVs (Effort Values) of your Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use this cheat code. This will allow you to access detailed information about your Pokémon’s stats, helping you optimize their performance for battles.

Here’s how to enable it:

Activate the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Enter the following code to view IVs and EVs:
D3000000 00000000
08010E78 E1A00001
08010E7C EBFFFD13
08010EB0 E1A00006
08010EB4 EBFFFD07
08010EE0 E1A00006
08010F10 E1A00006
08010F14 EBFFFCF1
08010F40 E1A00006
08010F44 EBFFFCE5
08010F70 E1A00006
08010F74 EBFFFCD9
08010FA0 E1A00006
DD000000 00000004
08010E78 E591000C
08010E7C EBF773E3
08010EB0 E596000C
08010EB4 EBF773D5
08010EE0 E596000C
08010EE4 EBF7742D
08010F10 E596000C
08010F14 EBF7742E
08010F40 E596000C
08010F44 EBF774B6
08010F70 E596000C
08010F74 EBF774B7
08010FA0 E596000C
08010FA4 EBF773F0
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000008
08010E78 E591000C
08010E7C EBF77382
08010EB0 E596000C
08010EB4 EBF77374
08010EE0 E596000C
08010EE4 EBF7740A
08010F10 E596000C
08010F14 EBF77409
08010F40 E596000C
08010F44 EBF77484
08010F70 E596000C
08010F74 EBF77483
08010FA0 E596000C
08010FA4 EBF773CF
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000

To enable the cheat and view the IVs and EVs, press the Start or Select buttons while in the game.

Once activated, this cheat will display your Pokémon's IVs and EVs, helping you see how well they're trained and where improvements can be made. Be sure to follow the instructions specific to your emulator or device to ensure the cheat works properly.

To instantly receive an egg from the Daycare in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use this cheat code. This will allow you to get the egg without having to wait for it to be produced.

Here’s how to activate the cheat:

Enable the cheat on your emulator or game device.
Input the following code to receive an egg from the Daycare immediately:

D3000000 00000000
00444A6C E2800E1E
00444A70 E1D000D0
00444A74 E12FFF1E
DD000000 00000008
00444A6C E3A01001
00444A70 E5C011E0
00444A74 EA00684B
D0000000 00000000

Once this cheat is activated, you can visit the Daycare, and the NPC will give you an egg instantly. Make sure to follow the instructions specific to your emulator or device to ensure the cheat works correctly.



To use Z-Moves without needing Z-Crystals in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can enable this cheat. It will allow your Pokémon to perform Z-Moves without the need for any Z-Crystals equipped.

Here’s how to activate it:

  1. Activate the cheat on your emulator or device.
  2. Enter the following code to use Z-Moves without needing Z-Crystals:

D3000000 00000000
00595900 E92D4005
00595904 E1A00006
00595908 EA000000
0059590C E92D4005
00595910 E59D2050
00595914 E59F100C
00595918 E1510002
0059591C 01D510B4
00595920 11A01000
00595924 E8BD8005
00595928 0078BA28
00313DC0 EB0A06CE
00313E30 EB0A06B5
0036D0EC E3A00000
DD000000 00000200
0036D0EC E3A00001
D0000000 00000000

To activate the cheat, press the L button during a battle. This will allow you to use Z-Moves as long as the cheat is enabled, even without any Z-Crystals equipped on your Pokémon. Make sure to follow the correct instructions for your specific emulator or device to ensure the cheat works properly.

To remove the Z-Move limiter in Pokémon Sun and Moon, allowing you to use Z-Moves as many times as you want during battle, you can enable this cheat. This will eliminate the restriction on the number of Z-Moves you can use in a battle.

Here’s how to activate it:

  1. Activate the cheat on your emulator or device.
  2. Input the following code to remove the Z-Move limit:

D3000000 00000000
580311DC E320F000
505957A8 00000000
005957A8 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
605957A8 00000000
D9000000 005957A8
D6000000 005957A8
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
505957A8 00000001
080311D4 E3A00000
080311D8 E5C30005
080311DC E1500000
D0000000 00000000

Once activated, this cheat will allow you to use Z-Moves without the normal limitations, enabling them to be used multiple times in one battle. Ensure you follow the instructions specific to your emulator or device for the cheat to work properly.

To get 255 Rainbow Pokébeans instantly in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use this cheat. This will allow you to obtain the maximum number of Rainbow Pokébeans.

Here’s how to activate it:

  1. Activate the cheat on your emulator or device.
  2. Enter the following code to obtain 255 Rainbow Pokébeans:

DD000000 00000280
D3000000 30000000
2311549E 000000FF
D3000000 30000000
20001552 000000FF
D2000000 00000000

Once this cheat is activated, you will receive 255 Rainbow Pokébeans. Make sure to follow the specific instructions for your emulator or device to ensure the cheat works correctly.

To view the HP of your opponent's Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon, you can use this cheat. It allows you to see how much HP your opponent’s Pokémon has left during battle.

Here’s how to enable the cheat:

  1. Activate the cheat on your emulator or device.
  2. Enter the following code to view the enemy Pokémon's HP:

D3000000 00000000
580AE178 E92D40F8
505957AC 00000000
005957AC 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
605957AC 00000000
D9000000 005957AC
D6000000 005957AC
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
505957AC 00000001
D0000000 00000000

Once activated, this cheat will display the HP of the opposing Pokémon, helping you track its remaining health during battles. Follow the instructions for your specific emulator or device for proper functionality.

Misc Cheats

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