Pokémon Sapphire introduced a feature known as the Trainer’s Eye, which allows players to rematch certain trainers throughout the Hoenn region. This feature is perfect for gaining extra experience, testing strategies, and building a competitive team. Below, we provide a comprehensive list of all the Trainer’s Eye trainers, their Pokémon, locations, and tips for battling them.

What is Trainer’s Eye?
Trainer’s Eye is an in-game feature accessible via the PokéNav. It lets players check which trainers are ready for a rematch, displaying their location and updated teams. These trainers’ teams improve over time, offering increased challenge and rewards.
Trainer’s Eye Trainer List
Route 102
- Youngster Calvin
- Initial Team: Poochyena (Lv. 5)
- Rematch Team: Mightyena (Lv. 28)
- Lass Tiana
- Initial Team: Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)
- Rematch Team: Linoone (Lv. 28)
Route 104
- Fisherman Darian
- Initial Team: Magikarp (Lv. 6), Magikarp (Lv. 7)
- Rematch Team: Gyarados (Lv. 30), Magikarp (Lv. 27)
- Lady Cindy
- Initial Team: Zigzagoon (Lv. 7)
- Rematch Team: Linoone (Lv. 30)
Route 109
- Sailor Huey
- Initial Team: Wingull (Lv. 14), Machop (Lv. 14)
- Rematch Team: Pelipper (Lv. 32), Machoke (Lv. 32)
Route 110
- Pokéfan Isabel
- Initial Team: Plusle (Lv. 14), Minun (Lv. 14)
- Rematch Team: Plusle (Lv. 30), Minun (Lv. 30)
- Youngster Timmy
- Initial Team: Aron (Lv. 15)
- Rematch Team: Lairon (Lv. 33)
Route 111
- Triathlete Jacob
- Initial Team: Magnemite (Lv. 14)
- Rematch Team: Magneton (Lv. 32)
- Camper Travis
- Initial Team: Sandshrew (Lv. 16)
- Rematch Team: Sandslash (Lv. 34)
Route 117
- Bug Maniac Derek
- Initial Team: Dustox (Lv. 15), Beautifly (Lv. 15)
- Rematch Team: Dustox (Lv. 34), Beautifly (Lv. 34)
- Pokéfan Miguel
- Initial Team: Skitty (Lv. 15)
- Rematch Team: Delcatty (Lv. 34)
Route 120
- Bird Keeper Robert
- Initial Team: Taillow (Lv. 26), Swellow (Lv. 26)
- Rematch Team: Swellow (Lv. 36), Altaria (Lv. 36)
- Parasol Lady Clarissa
- Initial Team: Goldeen (Lv. 25), Wailmer (Lv. 25)
- Rematch Team: Seaking (Lv. 35), Wailord (Lv. 35)
Route 121
- Hex Maniac Tammy
- Initial Team: Shuppet (Lv. 26), Duskull (Lv. 26)
- Rematch Team: Banette (Lv. 36), Dusclops (Lv. 36)
- Gentleman Walter
- Initial Team: Manectric (Lv. 27)
- Rematch Team: Manectric (Lv. 37)
Tips for Using Trainer’s Eye Effectively
- Experience Farming: Use rematches to level up your Pokémon faster.
- EV Training: Certain trainers specialize in Pokémon that grant specific EVs, making them ideal for focused training.
- Money Grinding: Some trainers, like Lady Cindy and Gentleman Walter, give more money after battles. Equip an Amulet Coin for increased earnings.
- Testing Strategies: Take advantage of evolving teams to test new movesets and strategies.
Trainer’s Eye is an invaluable feature in Pokémon Sapphire for trainers looking to strengthen their teams and hone their battle skills. By revisiting these trainers, players can enjoy a more dynamic and rewarding adventure in the Hoenn region. Whether you’re grinding levels, earning money, or just enjoying rematches, the Trainer’s Eye keeps the journey fresh and challenging. Happy training!