Pokémon Silver offers a nostalgic adventure filled with challenges, but sometimes you just want to skip the grind and jump straight into the fun parts. Whether you’re using an emulator or playing on your Game Boy, cheat codes can help you get past the slow parts of the game, get unlimited items, or even catch rare Pokémon like Lugia and Ho-Oh without all the effort. Below is a comprehensive list of useful cheat codes for Pokémon Silver, including codes for Action Replay and GameShark.
Walk Through Walls
Walk through any obstacles or boundaries in the game to make exploration easier.
- Action Replay Codes:
- 0108A3CE
- 0108A4CE
- 0108A5CE
- 0108A6CE
Free Bike
Unlock a free bike to speed up your travel without paying for it.
- Action Replay Code:
- 010182D6
Teleport Locations
Use this code to teleport to various key locations in the game. Replace XX
with the appropriate location number.
- Action Replay Code:
Location | Code |
Your House | 00 |
Viridian City | 01 |
Pallet Town | 02 |
Pewter City | 04 |
Cerulean City | 05 |
Near Power Plant | 06 |
Vermilion City | 07 |
Lavender Town | 08 |
Saffron City | 09 |
Celadon City | 0A |
Fuchsia City | 0B |
Cinnabar Island | 0C |
Indigo Plateau | 0D |
New Bark Town | 0E |
Cherrygrove City | 0F |
Violet City | 10 |
Union Cave | 11 |
Azalea Town | 12 |
Cianwood City | 13 |
Goldenrod City | 14 |
Olivine City | 15 |
Ecruteak City | 16 |
Mahogany Town | 17 |
Lake of Rage | 18 |
Blackthorn City | 19 |
Mt. Silver | 1A |
S.S. Aqua | 1B |
All Gym Badges
Unlock all Johto or Kanto Gym badges.
- Action Replay Code for Johto:
- 01FF7CD5
- Action Replay Code for Kanto:
- 01FF7DD5
Shiny Pokémon Encounter
Make any wild Pokémon encounter shiny instantly.
- Action Replay Code:
- 010719D1
Speed Up Egg Hatching
Accelerate the time it takes to hatch eggs by using this code. Use in conjunction with the code for the appropriate egg slot.
- Action Replay Codes:
- 1st Slot: 010145DA
- 2nd Slot: 010175DA
- 3rd Slot: 0101A5DA
- 4th Slot: 0101D5DA
- 5th Slot: 010105DB
- 6th Slot: 010135DB
No Random Battles
This code prevents random wild battles from occurring, making travel easier.
- Action Replay Code:
- 01000BD2
Max PP for Moves
Maximize the PP for each move in your Pokémon’s moveset. Use this code to never run out of PP.
- Action Replay Codes:
- 1st Move: 012814CB
- 2nd Move: 012815CB
- 3rd Move: 012816CB
- 4th Move: 012817CB
Unlimited Gym Leader Battles
Repeat Gym Leader battles without having to leave the area.
- Action Replay Codes:
- 01007DD5
- 01144ED8
- 01E04FD8
- 017F7CD5
Max HP
This code will give your Pokémon maximum HP.
- Action Replay Code:
- 01FF1DCB
Sure, here’s the table for the Get Any Pokémon code in English:
Get Any Pokémon
Use this code to obtain any Pokémon in the game by replacing XX
with the corresponding Pokémon code.
Action Replay Code:
Pokémon | Code | Pokémon | Code |
Bulbasaur | 01 | Venusaur | 03 |
Charmander | 04 | Charizard | 06 |
Squirtle | 07 | Blastoise | 09 |
Caterpie | 0A | Butterfree | 0C |
Weedle | 0D | Beedrill | 0F |
Pidgey | 10 | Pidgeot | 12 |
Ekans | 17 | Arbok | 18 |
Pikachu | 19 | Raichu | 1A |
Sandshrew | 1B | Sandslash | 1C |
Nidoran♀ | 1D | Nidoqueen | 1F |
Nidoran♂ | 20 | Nidoking | 22 |
Clefairy | 23 | Clefable | 24 |
Vulpix | 25 | Ninetales | 26 |
Jigglypuff | 27 | Wigglytuff | 28 |
Zubat | 29 | Golbat | 2A |
Oddish | 2B | Vileplume | 2D |
Paras | 2E | Parasect | 2F |
Diglett | 32 | Dugtrio | 33 |
Meowth | 34 | Persian | 35 |
Psyduck | 36 | Golduck | 37 |
Mankey | 38 | Primeape | 39 |
Growlithe | 3A | Arcanine | 3B |
Poliwag | 3C | Poliwrath | 3E |
Abra | 3F | Alakazam | 41 |
Machop | 42 | Machamp | 44 |
Bellsprout | 45 | Victreebel | 47 |
Tentacool | 48 | Tentacruel | 49 |
Geodude | 4A | Golem | 4C |
Ponyta | 4D | Rapidash | 4E |
Slowpoke | 4F | Slowbro | 50 |
Magnemite | 51 | Magneton | 52 |
Farfetch’d | 53 | Doduo | 54 |
Dodrio | 55 | Seel | 56 |
Dewgong | 57 | Grimer | 58 |
Muk | 59 | Shellder | 5A |
Cloyster | 5B | Gastly | 5C |
Gengar | 5E | Onix | 5F |
Drowzee | 60 | Hypno | 61 |
Krabby | 62 | Kingler | 63 |
Voltorb | 64 | Electrode | 65 |
Exeggcute | 66 | Exeggutor | 67 |
Cubone | 68 | Marowak | 69 |
Hitmonlee | 6A | Hitmonchan | 6B |
Lickitung | 6C | Koffing | 6D |
Weezing | 6E | Rhyhorn | 6F |
Rhydon | 70 | Chansey | 71 |
Tangela | 72 | Kangaskhan | 73 |
Horsea | 74 | Seadra | 75 |
Goldeen | 76 | Seaking | 77 |
Staryu | 78 | Starmie | 79 |
Mr. Mime | 7A | Scyther | 7B |
Jynx | 7C | Electabuzz | 7D |
Magmar | 7E | Pinsir | 7F |
Tauros | 80 | Magikarp | 81 |
Gyarados | 82 | Lapras | 83 |
Ditto | 84 | Eevee | 85 |
Vaporeon | 86 | Jolteon | 87 |
Flareon | 88 | Porygon | 89 |
Omanyte | 8A | Omastar | 8B |
Kabuto | 8C | Kabutops | 8D |
Aerodactyl | 8E | Snorlax | 8F |
Articuno | 90 | Zapdos | 91 |
Moltres | 92 | Dratini | 93 |
Dragonair | 94 | Dragonite | 95 |
Mewtwo | 96 | Mew | 97 |
Chikorita | 98 | Bayleef | 99 |
Meganium | 9A | Cyndaquil | 9B |
Quilava | 9C | Typhlosion | 9D |
Totodile | 9E | Croconaw | 9F |
Feraligatr | A0 | Sentret | A1 |
Furret | A2 | Hoothoot | A3 |
Noctowl | A4 | Ledyba | A5 |
Ledian | A6 | Spinarak | A7 |
Ariados | A8 | Crobat | A9 |
Chinchou | AA | Lanturn | AB |
Pichu | AC | Cleffa | AD |
Igglybuff | AE | Togepi | AF |
Togetic | B0 | Natu | B1 |
Xatu | B2 | Mareep | B3 |
Flaafy | B4 | Ampharos | B5 |
Bellossum | B6 | Marill | B7 |
Azumarill | B8 | Sudowoodo | B9 |
Politoed | BA | Hoppip | BB |
Skiploom | BC | Jumpluff | BD |
Aipom | BE | Sunkern | BF |
Sunflora | C0 | Yanma | C1 |
Wooper | C2 | Quagsire | C3 |
Espeon | C4 | Umbreon | C5 |
Murkrow | C6 | Slowking | C7 |
Misdreavus | C8 | Unown | C9 |
Wobbuffet | CA | Girafarig | CB |
Pineco | CC | Forretress | CD |
Dunsparce | CE | Gligar | CF |
Steelix | D0 | Snubbull | D1 |
Granbull | D2 | Qwilfish | D3 |
Scizor | D4 | Shuckle | D5 |
Heracross | D6 | Sneasel | D7 |
Teddiursa | D8 | Ursaring | D9 |
Slugma | DA | Magcargo | DB |
Swinub | DC | Piloswine | DD |
Corsola | DE | Remoraid | DF |
Octillery | E0 | Delibird | E1 |
Mantine | E2 | Skarmory | E3 |
Houndour | E4 | Houndoom | E5 |
Kingdra | E6 | Phanpy | E7 |
Donphan | E8 | Porygon2 | E9 |
PC Master Balls
Get endless Master Balls from the PC.
- Action Replay Code:
- 0101E2D2
Change Pokémon Gender
Modify a Pokémon’s gender using the following codes.
- Action Replay Code for Male:
- 01FF3FDA
- 01FF40DA
- Action Replay Code for Female:
- 011F3FDA
- 01FF40DA
Enemy Pokémon 1 HP
Set the enemy Pokémon’s HP to 1, making it easier to capture.
- Action Replay Code:
- 010000D1
Casino Coins
Get coins for the Casino without having to play the mini-games.
- Action Replay Codes:
- 01277AD5
- 010F7BD5
Max Rare Candies
Get unlimited Rare Candies.
- Action Replay Code:
- 0120E2D5
All 3 Starter Pokémon
Unlock all three Johto starter Pokémon right at the start of the game.
- Action Replay Code:
- 0100BAD7
Max Money
Max out your in-game money.
- Action Replay Codes:
- 019973D5
- 019974D5
- 019975D5
Final Thoughts
These cheat codes for Pokémon Silver are the perfect way to enhance your gaming experience, whether you’re skipping the grind, catching all the Legendary Pokémon, or simply unlocking new abilities. While cheating can make the game easier, it also lets you revisit the nostalgic aspects of the game without the time commitment. Always make sure to back up your save files before applying cheats to prevent any unwanted errors or crashes!