Pokémon White cheats remain highly sought after by fans, even years after the game’s release. As one of the four titles in Generation V, Pokémon White played a pivotal role in introducing a new era of Pokémon games alongside its counterpart, Pokémon Black.

Despite the passage of time, Pokémon White continues to captivate players, many of whom seek to enhance their experience using various cheats.
These cheats are available as AR codes or Action Replay codes. To use them, simply input the codes into your emulator’s cheat menu, and you’re ready to go.
It’s important to note that there are different codes for the NA, European, and Japanese versions of the game. The codes listed here are specifically for the NA and US versions, with additional instructions included for activating them.
We recommend using one of these reliable DS emulators, as they are well-suited for running cheats seamlessly.
Pokemon White Action Replay Code Cheats for Nintendo DS
Complete Pokédex Cheat for Pokémon White
To instantly complete your Pokédex in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
94000130 FFFB0000
0223D1D0 00001803
C0000000 00000131
D6000000 0223D1D4
D2000000 00000000
Max Play Time Cheat for Pokémon White
To max out your play time in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
02256FF4 003B03E7
How to use it:
Simply input the code into your emulator’s cheat menu, and your play time will be maxed out. This is one of those Pokémon White cheats that you might not find necessary to use.
Reset Play Time Cheat for Pokémon White
To reset your play time to zero in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
02256FF4 00000000
How to use it:
Enter the code into your emulator’s cheat menu, and your play time will be reset to zero.
Walk Through Walls Cheat for Pokémon White
To enable the ability to walk through walls and other terrains in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
521639A8 2010D101
121639AE 00001C20
94000130 FDFF0000
121639AE 00000200
D0000000 00000000
How to use it:
- Enter the code into your emulator’s cheat menu.
- While walking in the game, press L to activate the cheat.
Note: Be cautious when using this cheat, as it may cause you to get stuck in certain areas.
Increased Walking Speed Cheat for Pokémon White
To boost your character’s walking speed in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
52197FE4 1C05210C
02197FE8 085F0056
D0000000 00000000
How to use it:
Input the code into your emulator’s cheat menu, and your character will move at a faster speed.
3D Camera Angle Cheat for Pokémon White
To activate a 3D camera angle in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
5228AED0 61635F64
2228AF5D 00000004
D2000000 00000000
How to use it:
Enter the code into your emulator’s cheat menu to enable the 3D camera angle. The angle will remain active until you disable the code.
Top Down Camera Angle Cheat for Pokémon White
To activate a top-down camera angle in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
5228AED0 61635F64
2228AF5D 00000040
D2000000 00000000
How to use it:
Input the code into your emulator’s cheat menu to switch to a top-down view. To return to the default camera angle, simply turn off the code.
100% Catch Rate Cheat for Pokémon White
To guarantee a 100% catch rate when capturing Pokémon in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
521CBCF4 7820D203
121CBCF4 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
How to use it:
Enter the code into your emulator’s cheat menu, and you will have a 100% success rate when catching Pokémon, no matter the level or type of Poké Ball used.
Wild Pokémon Level Modifier Cheat for Pokémon White
To encounter wild Pokémon at the level you want, use the following cheat codes. Hold Select while walking to encounter a Pokémon at the selected level.
Level 1
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000002F
12250032 00000101
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
Level 10
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000002F
12250032 00000A0A
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
Level 35
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000002F
12250032 00002323
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
Level 70
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000002F
12250032 00004646
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
Level 100
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000002F
12250032 00006464
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
How to use it:
- Enter the desired level's code into your emulator’s cheat menu.
- Hold Select while walking in the game to encounter a wild Pokémon at that level.
Shiny Wild Pokémon Encounter Cheat for Pokémon White
To encounter only shiny wild Pokémon in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
521A96F0 1C221C39
E2002200 00000028
4C08B57E 88248865
08ED4065 F1A7B40F
1C06FD9F 40410401
428D0CC9 D1F5BC0F
BD7E1C30 0224F95C
021A96F4 FD84F658
D0000000 00000000
How to use it:
Enter the code into your emulator’s cheat menu, and all wild Pokémon encounters will be shiny.
No Wild Pokémon Encounter Cheat for Pokémon White
To prevent wild Pokémon encounters in Pokémon White, use the following cheat code:
521A9444 D1032800
121AA440 0000E001
D0000000 00000000
521A9444 D1032800
94000130 FEFF0000
121AA440 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
How to use it:
Enter the code into your emulator’s cheat menu, and you will no longer encounter wild Pokémon while exploring.
Wild Pokémon Modifier Cheat for Pokémon White
To encounter a specific wild Pokémon with the desired level, use the following cheat code. Replace "YYY" with the corresponding code for the Pokémon you want to encounter from the list below.
Code Structure:
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000002F
12250010 00000YYY
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
- Replace "YYY" with the Pokémon code from the list below.
- Input the code into your emulator’s cheat menu.
- Hold Select while walking in the game to encounter the Pokémon of your choice.
Pokémon Codes:
- Victini = 1EE
- Snivy = 1EF
- Servine = 1F0
- Serperior = 1F1
- Tepig = 1F2
- Pignite = 1F3
- Emboar = 1F4
- Oshawott = 1F5
- Dewott = 1F6
- Samurott = 1F7
- Patrat = 1F8
- Watchog = 1F9
- Lillipup = 1FA
- Herdier = 1FB
- Stoutland = 1FC
- Purrloin = 1FD
- Liepard = 1FE
- Pansage = 1FF
- Simisage = 200
- Pansear = 201
- Simisear = 202
- Panpour = 203
- Simipour = 204
- Munna = 205
- Musharna = 206
- Pidove = 207
- Tranquill = 208
- Unfezant = 209
- Blitzle = 20A
- Zebstrika = 20B
- Roggenrola = 20C
- Boldore = 20D
- Gigalith = 20E
- Woobat = 20F
- Swoobat = 210
- Drilbur = 211
- Excadrill = 212
- Audino = 213
- Timburr = 214
- Gurdurr = 215
- Conkeldurr = 216
- Tympole = 217
- Palpitoad = 218
- Seismitoad = 219
- Throh = 21A
- Sawk = 21B
- Sewaddle = 21C
- Swadloon = 21D
- Leavanny = 21E
- Venipede = 21F
- Whirlipede = 220
- Scolipede = 221
- Cottonee = 222
- Whimsicott = 223
- Petilil = 224
- Lilligant = 225
- Basculin = 226
- Sandile = 227
- Krokorok = 228
- Krookodile = 229
- Darumaka = 22A
- Darmanitan = 22B
- Maractus = 22C
- Dwebble = 22D
- Crustle = 22E
- Scraggy = 22F
- Scrafty = 230
- Sigilyph = 231
- Yamask = 232
- Cofagrigus = 233
- Tirtouga = 234
- Carracosta = 235
- Archen = 236
- Archeops = 237
- Trubbish = 238
- Garbodor = 239
- Zorua = 23A
- Zoroark = 23B
- Minccino = 23C
- Cinccino = 23D
- Gothita = 23E
- Gothorita = 23F
- Gothitelle = 240
- Solosis = 241
- Duosion = 242
- Reuniclus = 243
- Ducklett = 244
- Swanna = 245
- Vanillite = 246
- Vanillish = 247
- Vanilluxe = 248
- Deerling = 249
- Sawsbuck = 24A
- Emolga = 24B
- Karrablast = 24C
- Escavalier = 24D
- Foongus = 24E
- Amoonguss = 24F
- Frillish = 250
- Jellicent = 251
- Alomomola = 252
- Joltik = 253
- Galvantula = 254
- Ferroseed = 255
- Ferrothorn = 256
- Klink = 257
- Klang = 258
- Klinklang = 259
- Tynamo = 25A
- Eelektrik = 25B
- Eelektross = 25C
- Elgyem = 25D
- Beheeyem = 25E
- Litwick = 25F
- Lampent = 260
- Chandelure = 261
- Axew = 262
- Fraxure = 263
- Haxorus = 264
- Cubchoo = 265
- Beartic = 266
- Cryogonal = 267
- Shelmet = 268
- Accelgor = 269
- Stunfisk = 26A
- Mienfoo = 26B
- Mienshao = 26C
- Druddigon = 26D
- Golett = 26E
- Golurk = 26F
- Pawniard = 270
- Bisharp = 271
- Bouffalant = 272
- Rufflet = 273
- Braviary = 274
- Vullaby = 275
- Mandibuzz = 276
- Heatmor = 277
- Durant = 278
- Deino = 279
- Zweilous = 27A
- Hydreigon = 27B
- Larvesta = 27C
- Volcarona = 27D
- Cobalion = 27E
- Terrakion = 27F
- Virizion = 280
- Tornadus = 281
- Thundurus = 282
- Reshiram = 283
- Zekrom = 284
- Landorus = 285
- Kyurem = 286
- Keldeo = 287
- Meloetta = 288
- Genesect = 289
By using this cheat, you can encounter any of these Pokémon in the wild with ease. Just replace the "YYY" with the code for your desired Pokémon, and enjoy!
521C607C D10E2800 021C607C FBC0F1E8 023AE800 D0002800 023AE804 4903BD70 023AE808 428E6809 023AE80C 2400D200 023AE810 46C04770 023AE814 0226995C D2000000 00000000
Share Experience
This code allows all Pokémon in your party to receive the same amount of experience points, regardless of whether they participated in the battle or not.
- Enter the code in the cheat menu of your emulator.
- Activate the cheat.
- All Pokémon in your party will receive the experience points from the battle, even if they didn't participate directly.
This cheat is perfect for leveling up all your Pokémon quickly without requiring them to be involved in every battle.
No Experience
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 2000437E
023AE844 477051A8
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
Input the code, and you won’t receive any experience after a battle. This is another one of those Pokémon White cheats that you may not immediately think of using, but it's available when needed.
Experience Modifier - Pokemon White
Input the code for the amount of experience multiplier you want. Don’t turn on more than one code at the same time.
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80040
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80080
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A800C0
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80100
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80140
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80180
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A801C0
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80200
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80240
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
521CB54C 59A8437E
023AE840 59A8437E
023AE844 51A80280
023AE848 00004770
021CB54C F978F1E3
D2000000 00000000
Make sure you only activate one multiplier code at a time for it to work properly.
No Trainer Battles
Use this code to avoid battles with trainers. Before you approach a trainer, hold down the L button. If done correctly, you won’t have to fight that trainer.
521AE278 FB1AF000
94000130 FDFF0000
121AE27E 0000E009
D0000000 00000000
521AE278 FB1AF000
94000130 FDFF0200
121AE27E 0000D109
D2000000 00000000
Remember to press the L button before encountering the trainer to skip the battle.
Rematch Trainers
Use this cheat to rematch trainers you’ve already defeated. While talking to the trainer, hold the L button to initiate a battle with them again. They will have the same Pokémon, experience, and money reward as before. Please note that this code doesn’t work for Gym Leaders.
5215B3BC 1C301C04
94000130 FDFF0000
0215B3C0 E0002000
D0000000 00000000
5215B3BC 1C301C04
94000130 FDFF0200
0215B3C0 F7FF1C39
D2000000 00000000
Remember, hold the L button when talking to a trainer to trigger the rematch.
Pokemon Nature Modifier
Input this code and select the Pokémon whose Nature you want to change. Go to the Summary menu and, when you see the Pokémon's Nature, press L or R to modify the Nature.
521D53B0 F6304841
E2002080 00000060
29006DA9 2103D103
42080209 4770D100
65A92101 448E2106
0A06B5FF 21011C28
F828F1D4 F1D31C28
1C04FFED 22002170
FEF8F015 D1042E01
28193001 2000D108
2E02E006 2800D104
2018D101 3801E000
1C201C02 F0152170
1C28FED3 F1D42100
020020E0 BDFFF809
121D53BE 0000F62C
121D53C0 0000FE5F
D0000000 00000000
This cheat allows you to change your Pokémon's Nature with just a button press (L or R) while in the Pokémon's Summary screen. It's a useful cheat for modifying your Pokémon's attributes easily.
Unlimited PP
Input this code, and all of your Pokémon’s PP will not run out during battle.
921D5638 0000D301
121D5638 0000E003
D2000000 00000000
With this cheat, your Pokémon will have infinite PP during battles, allowing them to use moves without worrying about running out of Power Points.
Unlock All Berries
Input this code and press Select. Then, go to your bag, and you'll have all Berries unlocked with 900 amounts each.
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000003F
12234866 00000384
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00000095
C0000000 0000003F
D7000000 02234864
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
With this cheat, all Berries will be unlocked in your bag, and you'll have 900 of each Berry.
Unlock All TM
Input this code and press Select. Then, go to your bag, and you'll have unlimited use of all the TMs.
94000130 FFFB0000
02234760 0001026A
02234764 0001026B
02234768 0001026C
D5000000 00010148
C0000000 0000005B
D6000000 022345F0
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
With this cheat, you will have access to all TMs in the game with unlimited uses.
Unlock All Healing Items
Input this code and press Select to activate it. You will get all the available healing items in the game, and all of them will have a quantity of 900.
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840011
C0000000 00000025
D6000000 02234784
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
With this cheat, you will have access to all healing items in the game, each with 900 uses.
x900 Master Balls
Input the code and press L and R at the same time. Go to your bag, and you’ll have 900 Master Balls to use.
94000130 FCFF0000
02233FCC 03840001
D2000000 00000000
With this cheat, you will receive 900 Master Balls in your bag after activating it.
Unlock All Items
Input the code and press Select. Go to your bag and you’ll unlock all the items with 900 of each.
94000130 FFFB0000
022340A8 03840074
022340AC 03840075
022340B0 03840076
022340B4 03840077
02234344 0384023C
02234348 0384023D
0223434C 0384023E
02234350 0384023F
02234354 03840240
02234358 03840241
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840001
C0000000 0000000F
D6000000 02233FAC
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840041
C0000000 0000002E
D6000000 02233FEC
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840087
C0000000 0000000C
D6000000 022340B8
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 038400D5
C0000000 00000071
D6000000 022340EC
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 038401EC
C0000000 00000008
D6000000 022342B4
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840219
C0000000 0000001A
D6000000 022342D8
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840244
C0000000 0000000A
D6000000 0223435C
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Max Money
Input the code and you will have the maximum amount of money in the game.
Here is our curated collection of Pokémon White cheats that we believe will enhance your gaming experience.
There may be additional cheats available, so it’s worth exploring further. Just make sure to confirm that the cheats are compatible with your specific game version.
Remember to activate the cheats correctly and press the required buttons when necessary. Also, exercise caution when using multiple cheats at the same time to avoid any game crashes.
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