Pokémon Blue is a classic RPG that was released in 1996 for the Game Boy. It introduced players to the world of Pokémon in the Kanto region, where they must catch and train Pokémon, battle Gym Leaders, and complete the Pokédex. While the game has aged well over the years, many players enjoy using cheats and codes to enhance their gameplay. Below is a guide to some of the most popular cheats for Pokémon Blue.

Pokémon Blue Premise
In Pokémon Blue, players control Red, a Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town, on his quest to become the Pokémon Champion. Along the way, players catch and train Pokémon, defeat Gym Leaders, and face off against rival trainers, including Blue, Professor Oak’s grandson. The game encourages trading and battling with friends through a Game Link Cable, making it a multiplayer experience that adds depth to the gameplay.
The game’s goal is to collect all 151 Pokémon and fill up the Pokédex, while also defeating the Elite Four and Champion. Throughout the journey, players encounter wild Pokémon, battle trainers, and explore various locations in the Kanto region.
Popular Cheats for Pokémon Blue
Cheats for Pokémon Blue can be activated using a GameShark cheat cartridge or through an emulator that supports GameShark codes. Below is a list of popular cheats that players can use to alter their gameplay experience.
- Walk Through Walls:
This cheat allows you to walk through walls and obstacles in the game, enabling you to explore freely without getting blocked. - No Random Battles:
This cheat prevents random wild Pokémon battles from occurring while exploring the game world. - Unlimited Master Balls:
This cheat provides an unlimited supply of Master Balls, which are used to catch Pokémon without fail. - Infinite Cash:
With this cheat, you’ll have unlimited money to spend in Pokémon marts for items like Poké Balls, Potions, and other valuable supplies. - Unlimited Rare Candy in Mart:
This cheat adds Rare Candies to the Poké Mart inventory, allowing you to purchase them and use them to level up Pokémon quickly. - The Enemy Is Burned and Cannot Attack:
This cheat burns the opposing Pokémon and renders them unable to attack during battle. - Enemy HP to 0 and Fainted:
This cheat causes the enemy Pokémon’s HP to drop to zero immediately, causing them to faint. - Infinite HP:
This cheat grants infinite HP to your Pokémon, making them invincible in battle. - Get All 8 Gym Badges:
This cheat unlocks all 8 Gym Badges, allowing you to challenge the Pokémon League without having to defeat the Gym Leaders. - Pokémon Level Modifier:
(Replace XX with the desired Pokémon level, such as 100 for level 100 Pokémon)
This cheat allows you to change the level of your Pokémon. - Wild Pokémon Modifier:
(Replace XX with the desired Pokémon ID)
This cheat enables you to encounter specific Pokémon in the wild by using their respective ID codes.
Wild Pokémon ID Codes
Below is a list of Pokémon and their corresponding ID codes for the Wild Pokémon Modifier cheat:
Pokémon | Code | Pokémon | Code | Pokémon | Code |
Abra | 94 | Aerodactyl | AB | Alakazam | 95 |
Arbok | 2D | Arcanine | 14 | Articuno | 4A |
Beedrill | 72 | Bellsprout | BC | Blastoise | 1C |
Bulbasaur | 99 | Butterfree | 7D | Caterpie | 7B |
Chansey | 28 | Charizard | B4 | Charmander | B0 |
Clefable | 8E | Clefairy | 04 | Cloyster | 8B |
Cubone | 11 | Dewgong | 78 | Diglett | 3B |
Ditto | 4C | Dodrio | 74 | Doduo | 46 |
Dragonair | 59 | Dragonite | 42 | Dratini | 58 |
Drowzee | 30 | Dugtrio | 76 | Eevee | 66 |
Ekans | 6C | Electabuzz | 35 | Electrode | 8D |
Exeggcute | 0C | Exeggutor | 0A | Farfetch’d | 40 |
Fearow | 23 | Flareon | 67 | Gastly | 19 |
Gengar | 0E | Geodude | A9 | Gloom | BA |
Golbat | 82 | Goldeen | 9D | Golduck | 80 |
Golem | 31 | Graveler | 27 | Grimer | 0D |
Growlithe | 21 | Gyarados | 16 | Haunter | 93 |
Hitmonchan | 2C | Hitmonlee | 2B | Horsea | 5C |
Ivysaur | 09 | Jigglypuff | 64 | Jolteon | 68 |
Jynx | 48 | Kabuto | 5A | Kabutops | 5B |
Kadabra | 26 | Kakuna | 71 | Kangaskhan | 02 |
Kingler | 8A | Koffing | 37 | Krabby | 4E |
(There are more Pokémon in the list — this is just a portion of them.)
TM/HM Modifier
This cheat modifies TMs and HMs that can be purchased in the Pokémon Mart. Replace XX
with the desired TM/HM ID.
TM/HM | Move | Code |
HM01 | Cut | C4 |
HM02 | Fly | C5 |
HM03 | Surf | C6 |
HM04 | Strength | C7 |
HM05 | Flash | C8 |
TM01 | Mega Punch | C9 |
TM02 | Razor Wind | CA |
TM03 | Swords Dance | CB |
TM04 | Whirlwind | CC |
(There are many more TMs and HMs available with this cheat.)
Pokémon Blue cheats can enhance your gameplay and make your journey through the Kanto region more fun and exciting. Whether you want to walk through walls, collect rare Pokémon, or battle with powerful Pokémon, these cheats are sure to add an extra layer of fun to your game. Remember to use these cheats responsibly and enjoy your adventure!